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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bush Foundation suspends grantmaking; announces transition grants for some past grantees

July 22, 2008

Today the Bush Foundation posted at their Web site a letter from President Peter Hutchinson and FAQ's about the Foundation's new direction. This direction includes:

1) Bush will be making transition grants to selected organizations that will receive a phone call on July 23 informing them of their status -- described as organizations:

* Organizations that have received a substantial number of Foundation grants in the past 10 years (excluding those participating in defined multi-year programs with a specified beginning and end date).

* Organizations that have become highly reliant on the Bush Foundation for their initiatives or annual operating budget.

* If you have not been contacted, but believe you may be eligible for a transition grant based on our criteria, please contact the foundation at newdirection@bushfoundation.org. (Response to emails within 24 hours.)

2) Past program guidelines (education, human services and health, environment, public broadcasting and community foundations) are no longer in effect. Future grantmaking will be announced later, likely in 2009, based on making larger commitments to fewer organizations through foundation-initiated partnerships and RFP's.

3) Multi-year grants previously awarded will be continued as scheduled.

4) Organizations receiving arts funding through Bush's Regional Arts Development Program II (RADP II) and Large Cultural Organizations Development Fund II (LCODF II) will continue with some adjustments in the future.

5) The Bush Foundation Web site will be the primary venue for communication. A public Webcast is scheduled for Tuesday, July 29 at 2:00 p.m. CDT.

Sign-up for the Webcast: http://shows.implex.tv/Qwikcast/Root/HoffmanCommunications/1360/register.htm

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