
Our chapter has a long history of civic engagement, policy development and mentoring future public servants in the Twin Cities area. Our goal is to prepare a cadre of skilled public service professionals to meet the future resource demands of local, state and federal governments by providing quality professional development, networking and mentorship opportunities.

Please look around at our posts and feel free to contact us at msp (dot) nfbpa (at) gmail (dot) com.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Job: Oakland CA, Program Manager and Program Associate Positions

Dear Colleagues,

We are circulating this announcement in an effort to hire a Program Manager and Program Associate for our Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Initiative. As we move into our fifth year I don't have to tell you how important it is to get someone who is passionate about this work and will bring the enthusiasm, experience and expertise to continue to help us move toward our goals. I would appreciate it if you circulate it to your network as quickly as possible. We have a December 5 deadline and would like to interview shortly thereafter.

You may receive either or both of these announcements more than once even though we've tried not to duplicate our efforts, and I apologize in advance for that. We are casting a very wide net in an effort to attract the right candidates.


Marsha Caldwell
HR Director/Executive Assistant
Insight Center for Community Economic Development (formerly NEDLC)
2201Broadway, Suite 815
Oakland, CA 94612
510.251.2600 x 128 510.251.2600 fax ·

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