
Our chapter has a long history of civic engagement, policy development and mentoring future public servants in the Twin Cities area. Our goal is to prepare a cadre of skilled public service professionals to meet the future resource demands of local, state and federal governments by providing quality professional development, networking and mentorship opportunities.

Please look around at our posts and feel free to contact us at msp (dot) nfbpa (at) gmail (dot) com.

Friday, October 24, 2008

21st Century Community Learning Centers–Cohort 4 Grant Competition


st Century Community Learning Centers–Cohort 4 Grant Competition


The Minnesota Department of Education is pleased to announce the 21

st Century Community

Learning Centers (21

st CCLC) –Cohort 4 grant competition. Approximately $3 million is

available to establish or expand high-quality afterschool programs that offer a broad array of

services and activities designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program of

participating students before and after school, on school release days, weekends and school

vacation periods.

Examples of agencies and organizations eligible to apply for a 21st CCLC grant include, but are

not limited to: schools, school districts, non-profit agencies, city or county government agencies,

faith-based organizations, institutions of higher education and for-profit corporations.

Eligible applications must include a collaborative between a school or school district, and one or

more community-based organizations, faith based organizations or other public or private

entities. Applicants must primarily serve youth who attend high poverty schools or schools

eligible for Title I schoolwide programs.

The application packet and a link to a WebEx recorded presentation of the 21st Century

Community Learning Centers Cohort 4 Grant Application Workshop is available here:


The direct link to the WebEx presentation is:


Applications must be postmarked by a U.S. Post Office, personally delivered to the

Minnesota Department of Education, or submitted to a delivery agent for delivery on or

before December 23, 2008.

Submit all questions and requests for additional information via email only to the following

email address:

Reviewers Needed


st CCLC Cohort 4 grant applications will be reviewed and scored by peer reviewers that reflect

the diversity of Minnesota's communities and will include youth. Individuals interested in

reviewing grants can sign-up at the following web address:


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