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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Offers Fundraising Fellowship for Person of Color

The Carol H. Pitchersky Development Fellowship was established by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund (LCCREF) to develop and broaden the capacity of social justice organizations to raise funds necessary to serve their respective missions and further the civil rights community’s goals of equality, equal opportunity and mutual respect. The Fellowship program will identify and support persons of color who are aspiring development professionals, who have demonstrated a commitment to civil rights and social justice, and who wish to advance their careers in nonprofit fundraising. The 2009-2011 Fellow will be placed at the national office of the ACLU in New York City. To apply, download and complete the application form from http://www.civilrights.org/about/lccref/fellowship.html

The application deadline is January 15, 2009

The Fellowship includes:

A health and benefits package consistent with the benefits provided to regular staff members of the host organization;
Mentoring from one member of a committee of fundraising professionals dedicated to the institutional advancement of social justice and civil rights organizations. These individuals include colleagues of Carol H. Pitchersky who now serve as members of the CHP Development Fellowship Review and Mentoring Committee;
Association with a network of development professionals committed to and experienced in fund development, strategic planning and leadership in the civil rights and human rights community;
Training in development strategies and operations as they are applied to nonprofit organizations
in the social justice sector.

The salary range is from $40,000 to $65,000

Applicant Requirements: The Fellowship program will identify and support persons of color who are aspiring development /fundraising professionals, who are U.S. citizens and have demonstrated a commitment to civil rights and social justice, and wish to advance their careers in nonprofit fundraising. Fellows serve two-year terms of employment at organization in the social justice community.

For more information, contact the LCCREF Development Office at

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