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Thursday, October 16, 2008

MN 2008 Candidate Forums: U.S. Senate

Scheduled Forums

Al Franken, Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Candidate, U.S. Senate Wednesday, October 22 1:00 - 2:15pm
Humphrey Forum
Hubert H. Humphrey Center
301 19th Ave S., Minneapolis

Senator Norm Coleman, Republican Party Candidate, U.S. Senate
Thursday, October 23 Noon - 1:15pm
Cowles Auditorium
Hubert H. Humphrey Center
301 19th Ave S., Minneapolis

The Center for the Study of Politics and Governance and the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly are cosponsoring a series of public forums with the major party candidates for Minnesota’s U.S. Senate seat to foster informed and substantive discussion of important matters of public policy. The forums create an opportunity for the candidates to rise above the talking points and fractious back-and-forth of the campaign to address the important policy challenges facing Minnesota and the country. It also creates a forum for students and citizens to listen and raise questions with the candidates. U.S. Senate candidate Dean Barkley spoke at the Humphrey Institute on Oct. 8. The events are free and open to the public.

Refreshments will be served after the forums.

The Center for the Study of Politics and Governance develops practical, independent, and non-partisan solutions to pressing political and policy challenges. Founded in 2005, CSPG fosters effective and efficient governance, increases the transparency of government processes, and rebuilds the public trust in order to counteract negative influences that threaten our democracy.

To request disability accommodations, please call 612-625-2530 or email cspg@umn.edu The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

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