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Monday, December 1, 2008

Interns and Volunteers, In the District Office of Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-5)

Interns and Volunteers
In the District Office of Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-5)

The office of Congressman Keith Ellison offers an intern program for individuals interested in learning about the operations of a Congressional office, current events as they relate to Congressional activity, federal legislation and legislative issues, constituent services, and events research and planning.

Responsibilities Include:
Clerical, including office reception, intake of constituent comments via mail and phone, and other duties as assigned
Events and Meetings, including researching community activities, researching privately-sponsored event and meeting background, assisting with event planning and logistics, and joining the Congressman at events and meetings
Constituent Services, specifically assisting Congressional staff in communicating with agencies and constituents.
Participation in regular briefings on current events and legislative issues, and trainings on constituent services and the operations of a Congressional office.

Strong written and verbal communications skills, detail oriented, organized, able to multi-task, and a keen interest in learning the operations of a congressional office. Candidates participating in a formal internship program sponsored by a college or university or who will receive college credit are preferred.

Part-time and full-time opportunities are available starting immediately for up to six months. Hours are flexible. Interns and volunteers agree to serve without compensation, not to make any future claim for payment, and to acknowledge that the voluntary service does not constitute House employment. Although (and though) not employees of the House of Representatives, interns and volunteers agree to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects creditably on the House.

Darlynn M. Benjamin
Deputy District Director
Congressman Keith Ellison
5th Congressional District - MN
2100 Plymouth Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 522-1212 (o)
(612)522-9915 (f)

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