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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

RFP: Wilder’s Scattered Site Supportive Housing Programs

Request for Proposals

The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation invites qualified agencies and individuals to submit a proposal to provide group facilitation for parents of young children between the ages of 0-5 years old. Wilder’s Scattered Site Supportive Housing Programs provides support and housing assistance to formerly homeless families who live throughout Ramsey County.

Targeted Services:
We are looking for a facilitator to design a program that assist parents of young children (birth to kindergarten) with information and support that ensures school readiness. Goals include engaging parents regarding parent child interaction, child development and school readiness. The facilitator will need to have the ability to build relationships with families, including young parents and young children (birth to kindergarten). The facilitator should have knowledge of children’s developmental and educational needs; understand barriers of families living in poverty with multiple needs; the ability to work with a diverse participant population and provide culturally specific programming.

Proposed Services
Provide up to two groups for 6 to 8 weeks for parents with children ages 0-5.
Provide groups that relate to child development and school readiness that are culturally specific that meet the needs of the families in the group.
Provide culturally competent child development and school readiness resources and referrals.

Provide in-home services (if parent identifies this as a need to have more one-on-one services).

Intensity and Frequency of Contacts: The group facilitator will conduct groups for 6 to 8 weeks during the evening and/or weekend. Also, the facilitator may be required to provide one-on-one meetings that may or may not be in-home.

Group Ratio: The ratio can be up to 12 families that have children 0-5 years old.

Proposal: The proposal should provide in detail topics for each group, group curriculum, culturally specific resources and referrals to be used for the group, and how the group will infuse cultural differences with school readiness. Please submit a detailed budget.

Accommodations: Group location, child care space and staff for child care will be provided at the Wilder Center, 451 Lexington Parkway North, St. Paul, MN.

Proposal Submission and Deadline:

Please submit the proposals to:
Julie Shannon, Manager Project Quest, jjs3@wilder.org or
Deborah Mitchell, Manager ROOF Project, dkm@wilder.org
451 Lexington Parkway North, St. Paul, MN 55104

Deadline: No later than 4:00 p.m.
Friday, December 19, 2008

Please note:

  • Failure to submit a proposal by the deadline may be grounds for rejection of the proposal.
  • Proposals may be hand delivered, mailed or emailed. Faxed proposals will not be accepted.Responses must include one (1) original.
  • The first page of the original must have the original signature of the officer who will be accountable for all representations.
  • Unsigned proposals may be considered invalid.
  • The proposal is limited to 5 pages. Please do not use a font size smaller than 11 pt.
  • Wilder reserves the right to reject any and all proposals which do not, in the judgment of the Foundation, serve the best interest of Project Quest and/or the ROOF Project Collaborative or the intent of the RFP.
  • Proposals must be valid for ninety (90) days from the due date.
  • A proposal may be withdrawn on written request of the agency/individual
  • Once submitted, a proposal becomes the property of the Wilder Foundation, and will not be returned.

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