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Monday, December 1, 2008

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is accepting applications for the NCE Commission

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is accepting applications from residents for one position on the newly created Neighborhood and Community Engagement Commission.

The role of the commission will be to shape how the City engages its residents and works with neighborhood and community organizations, as well as oversee programming details and funding for neighborhood revitalization work. The resident who will be appointed by the MPRB on January 2, 2009 will be part of the 16-member commission. Of the remaining members, eight residents will be selected by neighborhood organizations and seven will be appointed by the Mayor and Council Members of Minneapolis.

The application deadline for the MPRB appointed commission position is December 19, 2008. Applicants are required to be Minneapolis residents who do not hold a current election certificate. Current MPRB employees are not eligible. Applications are available at: www.minneapolisparks.org (click on news item)·

MPRB Customer Service Area,
2117 West River Road, Minneapolis, 55411
MPRB Recreation Centers

Annie Young
Citywide Park Commissioner

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